Professional Engineer Receives Training on Power System Grounding
E. Matt Bedinghaus, P.E., completed four days of training on Integrated Grounding Systems at Georgia Tech University in Atlanta, GA, March 28-31, 2011.
Bedinghaus utilizes WinIGS software by Advance Grounding Systems for design and analysis of electric power system grounding. The software also allows for modeling and graphic illustration of lightning protection and magnetic fields associated with power systems. The training program explored all the issues involved in designing ground grids for electrical substations and related it back to solutions built into the software.
In addition to utility clients, Bedinghaus has been assisting CommScope Bi-Metals with utility applications of copper clad steel (CCS) cables for grounding. CCS cables installed instead of copper will allow utilities to both reduce initial cost and to deter copper theft.
Contact Matt at if you need assistance with your grounding or lightning issues or for more information.
About A2V Partners
A2V Partners LLC is an electrical engineering consultancy based in Springfield, Missouri. The company was founded by E. Matt Bedinghaus, an electrical engineer with more than 25 years of experience. The company offers consulting, system modeling and analysis, electric power design, T&D inspection, communication system design and CAD services. Named in honor of the partnership of great scientists from Ampere to Volta, and all those before and since, A2V takes the concept of partnership very seriously, partnering with clients through a unique design approach that efficiently develops options that best fit client needs. Find out more on the company’s website by surfing to